Dave and I dancing to our live band at our wedding reception 4-27-2002. The HUGE smile on my face says it all!!!!
It was 10 years ago today April 27th 2002 that Dave and I (and the 3 kids)

started our journey together as man and wife! It was magical then and it is magical now! I’m sooooooooooo blessed and humbled by my amazing life and the the awesome husband and children and grandchildren that I have been given. I thank the Lord each and every day for the Love and the Life I live. WHAT A PRECIOUS GIFT!! Thanks Dave for the best 10 years of my life!! I love you more than words can ever express and I can’t wait to spend 100 more years with you! Okay maybe just 30 years or so but who is counting right? right!

ha! Love you tons, xoxoxo Kell your thankful, grateful and “crazy red-head” wife!

How do you put up with me?!!!


ps. Thanks for my new car!! I love it so much–what a wonderful surprise and what a perfect 10 year anniversary GIFT!!! love it love it love it!! Now if only I had gotten you something! ha!!

Oh yeah we’re working on it!! Hope to have your gift secured in May!!!

Thanks again and Happy 10th anniversary Babe!!!
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