Worthwhile Wednesday Wished for YOU!
Hi! I hope you are well and enjoying your first week of May! I know I sure am. It has been a fun start to a beautiful month. I wanted to touch base and talk about life and how we can make it even more enjoyable and more worthwhile. As we’ve all heard time and time again life is not a “dress rehearsal” we only get this one shot to make it all it can be. Therefore, I want to be sure that we all get the very most out of it! Is there something that you have been wanting to do? Something that you wish would happen in your life? Well, I say take even just one small step or action towards making that something come true and let’s take that first small step or action TODAY! Make it a “worthwhile Wednesday”!
For Example: Maybe it is that you want to white water raft down the Grand Canyon sometime. Well, the first step would be to get a brochure sent to you on the Grand Canyon and the white water rafting companies that offer that service. Then you can start planning and dreaming and preparing to one day make that trip a reality! Remember this life is all we get so make sure you are doing all you can to fulfill your dreams and goals and plans. It will make you very joyful and happy in your life.
Whatever your desires—a new car, a new girlfriend or boyfriend, a new dog, a now house, a new dress, a new ipad, a new adventure to a new city, a delicious doughnut, a new job or career–whatever it may be take ONE small itty bitty not big and scary step towards it today! Make today a WORTHWHILE WEDNESDAY and keep following through on what you are dreaming of with itty bitty baby steps along the way and watch some of your dreams come TRUE!! Best wishes and I’m excited for you and whatever you choose to chase and pursue!! Make it worthwhile and make it count! Life is so much better and happier when we take risks and do what we know we should do and what we are destined to do!
Take care and God Bless!
I’ll be in touch again soon.
love and many blessings and worthwhile dreams and goals sent your way,
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